Instagram’s growth is one of the most rapid ones in comparison to other social media platforms. People often prefer it over its contemporaries, so much so, that its usage has doubled over from 2016 to 2018. Today, people, brands and corporations are using it to their advantage. However, photographs on Instagram are not the only thing that does the work.
It is the Instagram live feature that is instrumental in creating engagement and brand awareness in viewers. It is one of the many reasons why a new venture should establish an Instagram profile to make it more popular. A budding business or brand can get much-needed exposure from their target audience out of more than 1 million monthly active users on Instagram.
Although many brands may occupy the same market and saturate the space. The need for different and unique marketing tactics arises here. Corporates and brands strive for social media strategies that are indeed one of a kind and can sail past the competition easily. Here are the top reasons and motivations that you should invest Instagram live streaming services:
Sharing Made Simple
One of the most impactful yet simple ways to inform your target audiences about your work is through a visual medium. Sharing content with your clients and customers through means of corporate live streaming and other visual means allows you to build a relationship with them.
Out of the 250 million users of Instagram Stories every day, there is a large population that also uses live videos. Similar to how Snapchat works, people post updates of regular happenings around them, cover important events and branding material. Posts like these usually disappear in 24 hours, unless you save them as story highlights on your profile.
So make the right use of this app, where sharing is simple, to give out exclusive information and creative content to lure in potential customers.
Customer-Centric Approach
A successful marketing strategy is one that touches your customer’s heart and makes an impact on their emotions. Thus, take an approach that is customer-centric rather than product-centric. Especially on Instagram, the masses are more interested in the human element and not in the features of a product. For anyone attempting digital media marketing via Instagram live webcasting solutions, focusing on the customer’s feelings is the way to go. Here is an ultimate guide to Instagram Live that you can follow prior going live.
Generating A Fear Of Missing Out
Today, we use social media to feed into our curiosity about what our friends, coworkers, celebrities and many strangers around the world are doing. We even find the most recent happenings and news from around the globe on such platforms.
With live content adding fuel to the fire, one can also say that the masses are addicted and do not wish to miss even a moment of new activity, often watching live streams for as long as they run. This urgency and anxiousness are called Fear Of Missing Out or FOMO in pop-culture lingo.
Instagram Live along with many other live video formats out there, is an expert at generating this FOMO in their audiences. To experience events live through corporate live streaming or other live webcasting on Instagram, the viewer has to tune into the live video before it ends and disappears. This condition further draws in the audiences to your branding efforts.
Authenticity Matters
It has been proved that the more authentic your content is, the more people show interest in it. When you live stream events on Instagram, no one knows what is going to happen next. This content looks and feels more real to the viewer as compared to other scripted videos online. The experience and service any marketer wants to promote through live videos are therefore perceived as authentic as the video itself.
For the younger generations that dominate Instagram, live videos are fast becoming the way to share and consume information that seemingly cannot be faked. This authenticity also includes the blurring barriers between hosts and audiences, leading to real-time connection and interaction between them. This leads to an overall, more trustworthy relationship between a brand and its customers.
Reach And Engagement
With more than 500 million daily users, the sheer number of accounts on Instagram is almost unimaginable. Including the personal and business profiles, the interaction between marketers and their target audiences happen frequently and in many ways. These millions of people are your potential audiences, all ready to view and respond to your content. IG is one of the best platforms to increase your live streams viewership.
Instagram makes your audience into a community that keeps growing as you grow. After defining the vast reach of this platform, one must look into Instagram live webcasting solutions to increase the engagement as well. Using relevant and proper hashtags along with it will help your content reach the people searching for it. This is a strategy to build up engagement towards your brand quickly.
If you are looking to live stream events on Instagram, keep in mind the many advantageous features of this medium. Businesses and new ventures can make the most out of it by applying carefully crafted social media marketing strategies and by implementing effective strategies to improve live streaming.
With Instagram growing even more popular with each passing day, it is only natural for brands to jump on this wagon, build up their own following and communities. Instagram live streaming services are the way to move forward in the digital market!